Saturday, November 22, 2008

Free Trial Offers Are Not Free...

I am a genuine, legitimate, real-life single mom working at home. My goal when starting this blog was to share my experiences learning all about the online world of GPT (Get Paid To) and PTC (Paid To Click) Sites, and to help other moms find ways to work from home as well. So, most of my experiences in the GPT world have been pretty positive- I have been paid now, several times, by several sites; accurately and in a timely manner. I have met lots of people, a few of whom have become what I consider to be real friends.

There have been a few "glitches" along the way, however. First and foremost, let me say sheepishly that I was warned by several people NOT to do Free Trial/Credit Card offers. I, of course, in my infinite wisdom, did anyway. Let me preface this by saying that there are tons of legitimate free trial/credit card offers- I have done a bunch and been paid for a bunch. But when you are right on the edge of financial ruin already, barely enough cash to do what you have to do, (like feed your kids) , it is not worth it to take the chance of getting yourself into a bind the way I did! There are so many free offers out there, don't cut corners - it may take a little bit longer to make money by doing a lot of small offers, but it is far easier to do that than to deal with large sums of money deducted from your bank account! Just be really careful!! I have been able to deal with most of this, but it has been horribly stressful, and also time-consuming, which was what I was trying to avoid in the first place! LOL...

In the GOOD news section, I received payments from MoneyDreams.Net, CashCrate.Com, SquishyCash.Com, DailyCashRewardz.Com, and Freebies Junction! I have one pending that I will receive within 36 hours from MySurveys4Cash.Com!

I made enough money to both reserve a nice sum for my kids' Christmas presents, and to buy my first two PTC Sites!! I am very proud & happy to announce the Grand Opening of Pioneer Clicks PTC and Cherry Blossoms PTC ! They are awesome websites, with Aurora Scripts which I like very well, and Site Design by Ksp Kreations , a great and patient lady who is very talented. I have been overwhelmed by the response & rush of new members that have joined my sites!! I am well on my way to having two very successful at-home businesses, and am so thankful.

I have a wonderful & exciting new site about to open withing the next two days that I have been brainstorming about for months now! It is a combination PTC & PTS site, and I am very proud of it. It will be so much fun to work with!!


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